As you may or may not know, I've been traveling the U.S. like a mad man visiting boxes (Crossfit Gyms) filming for my upcoming documentary Gr8ness Under Construction. I've met some amazing people along the way, in the over 215 boxes I have visited thus far. Sometimes the box owners want to meet me personally so what do I do?? I take out my camera and interview them. I ask them questions like, what did you do before this? do have another job? do you exercise or just watch? what's your favorite food, etc.. after all they are people just like you and me right?? I have interviewed so many owners that I decided to put together a show called "Fokis On The Box Owners". The first episode features the owners of CrossFit Tupelo (Tupelo, MS) Crossfit Taino (Kissimmee, FL) Stoked Crossfit (Oxford, AL) and CrossFit Hit and run (Memphis, TN)
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